Friday, May 18, 2007

Not gonna work...

Not long ago, I had the opportunity to drive back through the little town in which I grew up. I drove past our old house, the church, and even my old kindergarten. I pulled into the parking lot of what is now an abandoned school and had memories come flooding back. The memory that made me laugh out loud was thinking about playing chase with the other kids in my class. I only played it one time as I remember. I decided to join in and chase the girls like the other boys were doing. It looked pretty easy. They did not run very fast and spent more energy giggling than running. I remember running and catching some girl right off and quickly formulated a plan in my little brain to become king of the playground. I would just catch the girls and put them all in one spot until all of them were captured and it would be obvious that I was the best chase-player. So, I led the first girl to the nearest tree and put her back against it and sternly told her to stay right there. This was going to be easy! I started off to get the next girl and as soon as I did the first girl just ran off giggling. She did not follow the rules even for a second! It finally dawned on me that none of the girls would follow the rules and this stupid game of chase was just anarchy! What was the point? I walked off the playground in disgust.

Yesterday Congress, Republicans and Democrats both, came together to put together a so-called comprehensive immigration plan. I have not read the document and at approximately six-hundred pages, the document will not be read by me or most other people that do not absolutely have to. Given the track record of previous immigration reform attempts, though, I do not have my hopes up about this one stopping the hemorrhaging into our country of illegal aliens. Supposedly, this would tighten our borders and put restrictions on who comes into our country and imposing fines and penalties on those already here. I am not an expert on this by any means but I do have eyes and I can see that our government has not enforced the laws that we already have on the books and the illegal aliens have no motivation for following the rules. Our borders have become a big playground with the giggling coming from the millions that run away from the law and cross into the United States. How much longer can we expect not to have anarchy?

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