Friday, May 02, 2008

Wright opinion

I don't have to tell you that this is probably not the place to come for in-depth, analytical, well-thought out, helpful problem-solving or even theorizing. A philosopher, I ain't. Read Socrates or Don Dodson if you want stuff like that. In fact, forget Socrates. Don is smarter just not quite as well published. But I do have my opinions and as much as it sounds like a whiney little punk, I do have my feelings. I'm sure I have had my feelings hurt in the past but I can't really remember when. I'm just not that way. But I had my feelings hurt today and now I'm ticked!

There are lots of other places to go to actually learn about the whole Pastor Jeremiah Wright / Obama controversy but all I can do is tell about how it affected me today. It affected me because I actually listened to nearly an hour of one of Wright's sermons today. You probably have heard the infamous "G** D*** America" line from one of his sermons but Wright says he was taken out of context in how he said it. He is a liar. I cannot imagine that kind of speech made in any kind of public forum but especially from behind a pulpit. I hesitate to even include those words with asterisks in this post and I sincerely apologize for the offensiveness here but imagine hearing those words unaltered and unashamedly from someone who calls themself a Christian or from anyone who claims to be an American! Who does he think he is?! What are the members of that church thinking? Wright has said some pretty crazy things but when those words came out of his mouth there should have been any number of people stand up and immediately put his back against a wall and inform him in no uncertain terms that speech like that against the nation where he lives WILL NOT be tolerated.

Race has nothing to do with it. Politics has nothing to do with it. I am hurt by his words as a Christian and an American and even if America is far from perfect I will not tolerate that kind of hate-filled language for the country that guarantees your right to express it. Reverend Wright, you don't have to love it but you also don't have to live here!


Anonymous said...

Au contraire mon frere! Well, OK maybe your reader(s) doesn't/don't come to find analytical, well-thought out ideas, but I/we sometimes (maybe once in a blue moon) leave same.

I will have to ponder the D² smarter than Socrates question, no offense toward D² intended - it's just that So-crates (use the Bill & Ted pronunciation here) was a pretty smart dude whose philosophy has weathered the test of time. Perhaps D² will do as well.

But, clearly I digress, though I don't always digress clearly.

Mr. Jeremiah Wright may well have some, perhaps several injustices about which to be worked up. Having never walked in black skin, I suppose there are some experiences that I will never quite see the same as one who has. Nonetheless, as one with an open heart and mind, and a willingness to understand, I feel pretty well qualified, IIMSSM, to paraphrase the late Sen. and one-time VP candidate Lloyd Bentsen, in saying: "Jeremiah Wright, you're no Martin Luther King!"

I may not be thrilled with the Republican candidate, but I am becoming less concerned that the next POTUS will have a (D) next to his name.

Anonymous said...

Todd, ask not what you can do for your readers, but what can your readers do for the blogosphere! (OK, and I'm no Jack Kennedy either...)

Think of yourself as a latter day (no, I wasn't going there...) Amon Carter. Just as the early WBAP supposedly stood for "We Bring A Program", by your blog you (hey, maybe you are a Coffee Talk - Linda Richman) give a discussion topic, by which we are able to illumine the minds of many lost souls. Or not.

Don Dodson said...

I'm not that smart. Just longwinded and have too much time on my hands.