Future billionairess Miley Cyrus has been in the news today with a couple of pictures taken of her for Vanity Fair magazine (whatever that is). If there is anything worse than taking advantage of kids in any way I don't know what it is but I strangely don't have near as much of a problem with these as some people seem to. She is photographed with bare shoulders and a sheet wrapped around her. She is fifteen years old and apparently her parents approved of the pics as they were taken. Would I want my 15 year old photographed like that? Definitely not. Would I let my 6 year old watch her Disney show? Yeah, sure. Would I want my 6 year old seeing those pictures? Not really, but what does concern me is the way she seems to be taking the "Britney path" to celebrityhood. I don't know that she stands a chance with all that money at such a young age but let's hope she's smarter than that.
1 comment:
Oh, dear. Yeah, like you, I'm not bothered in the sense that, as a matter of free will and of free enterprise, Ms. Cyrus may do as she pleases in the furtherance of her celebrity career. However, in the sense of this being yet another example of the media (those nameless, faceless, small genitalia possessing, men who would exploit this teen girl) using a youngster with reasonably good looks and a bit of talent to help them buy their Bentleys, cocaine, and divorce settlements, I am sorely dismayed and not a little offended.
My office has a very nice waiting area - nice leather sofas, granite counters, large plasma TV. Every time I walked by today, Ms. Cyrus was the story.
I know we can't expect everyone today to watch "Lassie" and reruns of "Old Yeller". Nonetheless, one is reminded of the adage that all that's needed for evil to triumph over good is for men, and women, of good will to do nothing.
It may not be much, it may be akin to trying to stop a Texas thunderstorm, but count me as a voice against the torrent of debasement of cultural decency.
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