Sunday, April 27, 2008

Caught on film!

Government official asleep on the job! Film at 11:00.


Anonymous said...

1) Is that not his normal working posture?
2) Perhaps he is strategizing on how to best organize a raid on the 'resort'?
3) Official? How about 'State Worker'...OK, on second thought, go ahead and use 'Official'.
4) This line of work can be so taxing...
5) And, most of all, has there been a liberalization of the dress code? I see he's wearing dungarees!

Anonymous said...

Shocking! Your tax dollars at rest. Actually, if he were not resting, maybe there would be more tax dollars, no?

Anonymous said...

1) He obviously has been working harder than his other coworkers!
2) He obviously has a firm handle of the material being presented.
3) He is devastatingly handsome!
4) Did I mention how handsome he is?
5) He has yet to meet his equal.
6) He is very umble
7) He.... (Well really, there are too many good things for this small format called the internet!)

todd said...

Thanks, Mr. Anonymous Government Official Dewey.

Anonymous said...

Advertising vs Truth:

Claim: 1) He obviously has been working harder than his other coworkers!

Truth: Three of his co-workers shared a Coke and were back on the job.

Claim: 2) He obviously has a firm handle of the material being presented.

Truth: There is nothing firm about this man.

Claim: 3) He is devastatingly handsome!

Truth: His handsomeness was devastated in the late 1980s.

Claim: 5) He has yet to meet his equal.

Truth: A)He does not use Equal.
B) He does not get out much.

Claim: 6) He is very umble

Truth: For good reason.

Dew, ya know we love ya!

Truth: You're fun to make fun of.