This is my target I shot at the range for my Concealed Handgun License last week. 50 shots. Scored a 249 out of 250 and scored a perfect 100 on the written exam. In the eyes of the state of Texas I am officially considered...one bad dude. And no, I am still not joining the NRA.
Actual unretouched photo of a silhouette shot from 15 yards with a single 12 gauge, 3-1/2" #2 shotshell through a 26" barrel with a modified choke.
The reason Texas, and many other states now recognize law-abiding citizens' right-to-carry is because of efforts by the NRA and their respective state counterparts, in our case the TSRA. Without these efforts, the hoplophobes (ask D²) would be well on their way to disarming a large portion of our populace (I don't include myself in this statistic, as "from my cold, dead hands...")
So Todd, in memory of Moses (Chuck Heston), and at Ted's invitation, Join the NRA! Wango, Tango you bad dude!
Good shooting!
If you don't join the NRA, consider joining GOA. I like them a lot better.
No argument with D²'s advice.
In the same sense that we recognize that Freedom isn't free, securing our right to self-determination (i.e. being able to thwart an attacker - or put him out of commission entirely - long enough to dial 911) comes at a price.
While we, your gentle and charming readers, probably and generally agree that the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution recognizes and guarantees (the astute reader will note I did NOT say "confers") an individual right, trusting that our republican (little 'r') form of government will protect that right is at our own peril (since at least 1934, NFA, and U.S. v Miller, 1939).
So, whether it's Wayne LaPierre (NRA), or Larry Pratt (GOA), we who value the exercise of our rights owe these a debt of gratitude.
I think the Enquirer headline should read "Green Man Shot Multiple Times by Taxman"...
Who will stand up for the paper people of color?
So, what you're saying is that one of the shots went unaccounted for?
Did they not launch an investigation to determine what happened to that other shot?
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