Thursday, October 19, 2006

Pope travels to Iraq

(Vatican City) This just in: Pope Benedict XVOICU812 has announced he will be going to Iraq to view the war scene in person and to meet with top U.S. military there. Sources say he is worried about retaliation for his remarks that Muslims say disparaged Mohammed. Those sources tell this blog that the Pontiff will go in disguise. He took off his big hat, put on the beanie, put his fingers around his eyes and, sources say, said "How's this?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No Roman Catholic I, I believe the correct term for the Pope's "beanie" is zucchetto. Theodore "Beaver" Cleaver wore a beanie. Besides the propeller, though, there may have been other differences between his and the pontiff's. Still, it would be very neat if there were an episode of LITB where the Beav and the Pope got stuck in that soup bowl billboard together.