Tuesday, October 17, 2006

A child's eyes

A friend relayed this story to me the other day. He was telling me about his daughter's first day of 1st grade. My friend walked his daughter to her class and while he was there he saw the class role posted on the door of the class. He noticed that there was another girl with the same first name as his daughter Lauren. He then met the teacher and several other parents and then he saw the other Lauren. She was a beautiful little black girl with long, curly hair. My friend and his wife, both of whom are white, picked up their beautiful, blond-haired Lauren after school and the first thing she wanted to talk about was her new friend who has the same name she does! She said, "You won't believe it! Not only does she have the same name as me, she also looks JUST LIKE ME!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And now we begin to understand why we must become as "little children" in order to enter the kingdom of heaven! What dramatic changes would be made in the world if only we could remain that innocent throughout our lifetime...and how sad that we must "grow up" and learn the ways and prejudices of this world only to lose so many of our freedoms in return.