Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bush Breath

Then I found out why they call him "Putin" and I had to hold my breath like this!


Anonymous said...

Washington, DC - In a shocking interview with veteran ABC newstwit Barbara WaWa, airing Friday night on most of these same ABC stations, former First Lady Barbara Bush admits that in the 1940s she had a brief, yet passionate affair with renowned trumpeter, "Dizzy" Gillespie.

Anonymous said...

OK, Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid, I'm going to hold my breath until the Congress goes along with my economic plan...I'm not kidding, either...

Anonymous said...

Oh, man, that's the last time I'll stuff a whole pouch of Red Man in my mouth just to impress Laura!

Anonymous said...

Um, in that first comment on this post, the first name of the veteran ABC newstwit was misspelled. It should have read BaBa. We apologize for any confusion - The editors

Anonymous said...

Nancy, I'll huff and I'll puff, and I'll blow your House down!

Anonymous said...

I should've listened to Pops when he told me to skip the sushi...