Friday, March 07, 2008

Terrorists are funny!

I couldn't keep a straight face and try to write this. There are just too many things that make me laugh! First, what exactly is a "bycott"? And "religious violation"? Is that what the two guys on the far right are doing? Can't you just hear them all singing, "Put your hands up and SHOUT!"? Little bit louder now. Hey, hey, hey, hey!


Anonymous said...

Naw, man. Those two guys on the right are from the new, critically acclaimed movie that's sweeping Tehran, Baghdad, and Damascus -- Brokeback Desert!

Anonymous said...

Alright everybody: Reach for the stars! Wait, wait, I DIDN'T say SIMON SAYS! Betchall feel stupid now, huh? And besides, it's daytime, there's no stars out now anyway!