Monday, November 06, 2006

Repent Halloween!

I have a confession to make. I am sorry. I will never do it again! The confession is: I dressed up for Halloween and went trick-or-treating. I realize that Halloween is a pagan religious festival and that I, as a Christian, should not partake of such festivities. I don't know what I was thinking. I just gave in when my pastor asked me to his house to join him and his family and some other friends to go trick-or-treating in his neighborhood. I caved to the peer pressure even though I know that this was started by the Celts of Ireland in the 19th century to celebrate the dead revisiting the mortal world and that even today there are some people who practice witchcraft on Halloween!

I have to admit it won't be easy giving up Halloween. I am pretty addicted to it. I am sure I will have to have some therapy to get off of it cold turkey. A couple of two day follow-ups and I should be fine. You see, I have been on halloween since I was a little kid. My mother even encouraged it! She, not knowing any better, would dress me up as a monster or a pirate or even a ghost. I know how horrible it sounds but what is the wife of a pastor supposed to know? She even enabled my Halloween habit as I got older by buying me costumes and I even got into her stash a couple of times. I hit rock bottom the night I won $1000 in a costume contest wearing some of my mother's makeup. It is hard to admit this and I would appreciate your patience as I and my family struggle through this difficult time.

I don't want to stop with just Halloween, though. I want to completely rid my system of all evil celebrations including Thanksgiving which is obviously a celebration of the horrible act of stealing the land away from the Native Americans who were here before us. Christmas, also, has become so commercial and pagan that I will not be celebrating it. I refuse to worship any more Christmas trees or snow men! And don't get me started on Easter with it's evil bunnies and cholesterol-spiking eggs! Enough is enough! Just say no, kids, just say no!


todd said...

Dewey, 1)Deer season is not a holiday. 2)You have never shot any Muy Grandes. 3)You are much better at shooting off your mouth than a gun.

Anonymous said...

Who is the freaking looking Tin Ma'am?

Anonymous said...

sorry...freaky (not freaking)...

Anonymous said...
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