Thursday, September 21, 2006

My thoughts on Madonna:

Pop singer Madonna on Thursday defended staging a mock crucifixion during her record-breaking "Confessions" world tour, saying it was not "anti-Christian, sacrilegious or blasphemous" -- but a plea for people to help one another. I don't know what would qualify as sacreligious to Madonna nor do I understand how her being perched on a glittery cross makes people want to help one another. I do know that I wish I could help her. I don't hate her even though I am highly offended by her at times. I wish she knew the Man she makes fun of! John 3:16 says that God gave His only Son so that even foul-mouthed Madonna could have eternal life. OK, obviously not an exact quote, but He said for the whole world. He loves Madonna that much! Thank you Lord for Your incredible grace that keeps Madonna and me alive!

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