Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Good advice from Tyra Banks

Please take a moment to read and savor some words of wisdom from super-model- turned talk show host- turned theologian Tyra Banks. Evidently Banks has a syndicated morning talk show on television and so, of course, that makes her a role model. According to her website Banks is a "groundbreaking, international fashion icon" and "multi-faceted". I assume "multi-faceted" is the word that she uses instead of "Doctor" or "Counselor".
Today on Banks is asking the question 'What can we do to give teen females more self-esteem?". Great question, Tyra. Evidently she has some ideas on that subject that she is anxious to share with today's teens. It will probably go hand in hand with the other advice she gave today on her show. Her website worded it like this: "At the end of the show, Tyra said virginity was a special thing that shouldn't be rushed. She urged people to take their time before deciding to take the big step and when they did, she reminded them to be safe."
Counselor Banks makes a good point - considerably incomplete - but good. This great nugget of knowledge was passed on at the end of this morning's "Virginity" show. I guess Banks gave this advice to one of her guests named Anika who was a 24 year old virgin who Banks invited on the show to "lose it" on camera (which she did).
I also assume that Dr. Banks gave this advice to "be safe" to 39 year old Bobby just before she sent him to a nightclub with comedian Aries Spears (?) so he could be "successful with the ladies". You know, a prescription to hook a brotha up! All of this was of course recorded for today's show along with advice from Aries on being smooth with the ladies.
I am sure that Banks' doctoring instincts really came out with her next guest who had a physical abnormalty that made physical relations impossible. Dr. Banks quickly got her fixed up so she too could "lose it".
No where on her show or website that I can find is there anything about abstinence until marriage. Now I'm no doctor, counselor or talk show host and so I realize I don't know or understand everything. I'm also no angel. I have made alot of mistakes in my life and I'm not going to print them here but, believe me, I know the Bible is true when it talks about the benefits of obedience and the consequences of disobedience. The Bible is clear on this subject. You may call it "youthful indiscretion" or "what everybody else is doing" or even "natural" but God calls it Sin! All sin comes with a price. Maybe now, maybe later.
Jehova God is dripping with mercy and love for all of His creation but He is also a just God. Please don't let Tyra be your moral compass! Man, I sound like an old man! I sound like a guy who doesn't want people to have fun. "Kids didn't do that stuff in my day". Oh, yes, they did and you see the consequences in the divorce rate, the out-of-wedlock pregnancies and disease. I'm afraid that what we don't see are the emotional scars and the spiritual blessings missed.

1 comment:

Don Dodson said...

As a general rule, when the silicone to grey-matter ratio gets too high, take all advice with a grain of salt.