Tuesday, January 16, 2007

"24" holes in my head

The fact that what I am about to write is considered blasphemy in many circles today just proves my overall point. Here goes: Fox Television's hit show "24" with Kiefer Sutherland is unwatchable. Yes, you read correctly. Unwatchable. I have tried. I really have. Can't do it. Am I the only one in the United States that has multiple brain cells and realizes that almost everything the hero Jack Bauer does is physically impossible? Am I missing something? Was Jack in a plane crash and the government spent six million dollars to make him bionic? Does he squeeze open an oversized can of spinach before each episode? Come on! OK, if you do not agree with me just watch the next episode and think to yourself, "Self, have I ever heard of anybody ever doing what Jack just did? Do I think I could do that even with extensive training? Wouldn't this show work better if it were animated?"

I am fully prepared to be scorned and shunned by neighbors and friends for these points of view and that is okay with me. If you like the show we probably do not have much in common anyhow. I am not saying that I am any better or smarter it's just that I like shows that are at least somewhat believable. I also like some shows that are not believable but they are all cartoons. When I watch the Simpsons I don't worry about Homer actually blowing up the Springfield nuclear plant. It is a stupid cartoon! Part of the reason why I would not watch The Da Vinci Code is because part of it is true and/or possible and part of it is completely fiction. If it were animated I might watch it because animation tells me that we're just having fun. Anything can happen to a cartoon character and it is okay. It is a stupid cartoon. But when Jack Bauer saves the world from terrorist nukes every episode with his MacGyver-like skills and then I have to hear about how great it was from everybody from my neighbor to Rush Limbaugh, for Pete's sake, sometimes I wish Jack would just shoot me 24 times! Oh, and anybody with seven names (Kiefer William Frederick Dempsey George Rufus Sutherland) can't be taken seriously!


Don Dodson said...


We just got done watching Season 2 on DVD. In one day he was shot, survived a plane crash, cut up and burned, tortured to death and revived, and survived a nuclear explosion from way too close.

You've got to suspend your disbelief!

Chris Davis said...

OK Friend (I'll still call you that even with these comments on 24, btw, Jack did not stop the terrorists on this episode before the nuclear bomb went off), but you need a different perspective: You watch a cartoon and know it's fake, but apparently if "real" people are on the show, you think it might be real and/or true. When I watch TV, I know everything is fake and anything can happen. 24 is entertainment because they have followed an original story line. Jack is the only character to survive from the first season, nearly everyone else has been killed off and at surprising times. Relax a little and enjoy a show with "real" people in it!

Anonymous said...

Todd, my dear, confused, friend.

Everything on television (even the news, in many instances)is made up. It's not real - whether it has "live" people or cartoon people - it's fake.

that's why they call it entertainment.

i continue to pray for your enlightenment.