Oh, great. Now I have a blog! Now I have to take care of it every day! Writing as if everybody in the world will read it when probably nobody in the world will.
"A gun is a tool, Marion. No better or no worse than any other tool: an axe, a shovel or anything. A gun is as good or as bad as the man using it. Remember that."
When I went to the State Fair last month I walked through the Texas Vietnam Veterans Memorial set up just inside Fair Park. I was looking at all the names etched into the granite walls and found a couple with my last name. I don't think we are related but I stood there thinking about all those names and the men they represent. Evidently, during the fair, they have a couple men there to answer questions and help people find certain names. As I was standing at the wall staring at the names a man in a "Vietnam Veteran" hat came up and quietly asked if I had any names on the wall.
"Excuse me?", I asked.
"Do you have loved ones on the wall?"
"No, sir", was all I managed to get out.
He then simply said, "Thank you for coming by."
I shook his hand with both of mine but wasn't able to say anything for the huge lump in my throat and that lump comes back as I write this. I wanted to tell him how much I appreciated his service. I wanted to say some grand "Thank You!" with a long speech about how we all owe him and all veterans a huge debt but all I could do was shake his hand. I think he understood.
I was very humbled today to welcome home a plane-load of troops at the airport this morning. Again, I was unable to thank each one or give them all gifts or make any speeches but I was able to cheer some and clap until my hands hurt as did a huge group of others. The troops were obviously very glad to be back and very appreciative of our presence there and while I can't say to each one how much I appreciate their sacrifice, I think, I hope they too understand.
Ok, at this point why should I not be anti-Muslim? And why would my government want me to pro-Muslim? The hijackers on 9/11 were Muslim. The people blowing us up in Iraq and Afghanistan are Muslim. The wacko who just shot up Fort Hood was...wait for it, Muslim. And yet our President sucks up to them like they are his future father-in-law and now Janet Napolitano wants to make sure we don't get upset with them and their religion of peace. What's going on here?
Sorry the pics aren't any clearer but this was from last Sunday's big country ride with some friends. It was a perfect day for a ride. We started right after church and headed south into some beautiful country toward Acton. We had lunch at some hole in the wall Ed knew of and then took off again. Check out Ed's website to prove he believes that life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all! Kevin had to prove he could ride in the mud but that hardly slowed us down and everybody got home in one piece. Thanks, y'all for a great way to spend a Sunday.