Tuesday, April 15, 2008

They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion as a way to explain their frustrations. Barack Hussein Obama

Religion...It is the opiate of the people. Karl Marx


Anonymous said...

Just for the record, the NRA does not support Barack Hussain Obama. Thought you'd like to know. Don't know where the Association stands on Karl...or Harpo, Chico, Groucho, or Richard Marx!

Anonymous said...

Todd, We read blog?ITYSD for your comments!! Lets hear them!!!!

todd said...

Oh, yeah? Well I write it for your comments, so quit hiding in anynonominaeimity and get to commenting!

Don Dodson said...

I'm too bitter to comment on this.

Anonymous said...

Todd, I used to be able to put [clever] pseudonyms (well, at least I thought so) after my comments, but the format changed, so now I have to use the 'generic' anonymous moniker. Pity!
- Anonymous commenter #1
BTW, what's that word, looks like a cross between anonymous and onomatopoeia, in response to anonymous commenter #2 (not me)?
And why is D² bitter? Guess I'll have to ease over and check his latest blog(s). I can't even comment anonymously over there. - DR²