Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I keep mine locked up!

This could really be bad for members of a certain "resort"!


Anonymous said...

Todd, where DO you get such stories?

Actually, I think this story can clearly be attributed to a role reversal form of misunderstanding. I've never, ever heard of snatching penes (plural of penis); however penising (you don't mind if I verbificate a noun, do you?) snatches is commonplace, and I can personally vouch for this, though not recently. :-(

Anonymous said...

And I've been worryin' about simple atrophy from lack of use - I'll be watchin' for them guys with gold rings next time I get in a taxi!

Anonymous said...

Todd, your caption gives new meaning, possibly, to Col. Cooper's definition of 'condition one' (C&L). Col. Cooper did make many trips to Africa, however. D² can explain this...