Sunday, March 30, 2008

Shut up and go to my church!

I often hear people complaining about their church. I have heard friends and family say that their church is dead or boring or even Biblically incorrect and I wonder why they still go there. I'm not talking about the sham that Obama is trying to pull with that church in Chicago, I'm talking about people that go to the same church every week and leave feeling, acting, and living the same as they went in. Maybe they are going for the wrong reason to begin with. I understand that some people go to church out of habit or because they feel pressured to by someone or some thing or because it makes them look good or feel good just to go somewhere.

To be honest, I didn't really want to go to church this morning. I have alot of things going and I had several semi-valid reasons for not getting up, getting dressed, getting in the car and driving thirty minutes to church today. I'm sure everybody has days like that but as soon as I got there I was glad I made the effort. I know my church is not for everyone. Being the youngster that I am, I like to have my music pretty lively. I also like my pastor to be pretty lively and I like a Bible Fellowship or Sunday School that is not afraid to tackle hard questions (even if the teacher could be better at asking them sometimes). But even if my kind of church is different than your kind of church, you need to find a church that fits you.

Sometimes finding a church that fits is difficult and I am not promoting leaving the church you are in just because some little thing has made you uncomfortable. No church is perfect because it is filled with imperfect people and that includes the pastor and staff. It breaks my heart to find out somebody left a church because somebody sat in their seat or the pastor didn't smile big enough when he said hello or that music director talks too much! It's time to get smooth over that piddly stuff and start worshipping in spirit and truth like the Bible says. But you have to realize that your pastor is not the one that is being worshipped and, yes, sometimes the pastor has to realize that too. Pastors make mistakes like all of us do but they also have incredible responsibility and I love and appreciate my pastor for being who he is and what he does day in and day out. It has to be difficult sometimes.

As I looked around in our worship time this morning and I saw my close, dear friends and I saw faces I had never seen before, I felt God's presence in a real way. I saw friends who were hurting deeply and lifted them up in prayer. I had other friends tell me they were praying for me. I opened my Bible and learned more about who Jesus is and not once was I bored. I never once felt intimidated, embarrassed, or pressured. I left that place different than when I went in and I know others did as well.

Again, I know that my church is not for every one. People like different things or are accustomed to "doing" worship different and ours is not necessarily the best way but I love my church. I look forward to next Sunday already. Maybe you don't feel the same way. Maybe you dread going to church. I hate that for you. It shouldn't be that way. Your relationship with Jesus Christ deserves better than a dead church so if that is the case with you then quit complaining and put out a little effort and find the church that is right for you. I hope it is Hulen Street Baptist Church but if not, I pray you find the church that is right for you. It will be worth it, I promise!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No funny comments here - totally agree with you. Anyone looking for a church home would be well served to give HSBC a try. Having attended Presbyterian, Episcopal, Catholic, Methodist, Church of Christ, Lutheran, and other Baptist Churches, I can say unequivocally that the Holy Spirit is alive and real at at HSBC.

The sermon at HSBC is not some watered down, Lite-Church feel good message. Pastor Jim Pannell delivers the Good News in plain English and gives straightforward instruction in how to live richly in Christ in the modern world. Nonetheless, you WILL feel good. Actually, what you will feel is BLESSED, because God's word has been told to you in such a way that you just can't wait to go out and put it into action, just as He intended (and commanded).

So, anyone bored with their Church or not feeling they get useful information on how to live a Christ-centered life ought to try Hulen Street. It could be a life- (dare I say eternity-?) altering experience!
